[Improvement suggestion] Let's Encrypt 3.0.0 Installation needs a final `service apache2 restart`

  • Hi everyone,

    I've noticed an issue when installing the Let's Encrypt 3.0.0 plugin in the following environment:

    • i-MSCP 1.3.16
    • Debian Jessie, all packages up-to-date

    After installing the Let's Encrypt plugin, I tried to request a cert for one of the domains in that i-MSCP instance and its www subdomain. Certificate issue failed with the message "Challenge failed for all domains."

    Inspecting Apache's access logs revealed that the challenge requests from Let's Encrypt's certificate system went to the domain's normal VHost instead of the plugin's special ACME VHost. Restarting Apache, then trying again to request certificates resolved the issue.

    This brings me to the following improvement suggestion: Please either make the Apache2 Restart part of the Let's Encrypt plugin's install script or mention it in the plugin's readme file.

    Thanks for this great plugin! :)

  • Fixed. See LetsEncrypt plugin v3.1.0 RELEASED

    Thank you for your report.
    Thread closed.
