IPv6, SSL & Apache - Error

  • Do you still need any info?

    Yes. I prefer have a look before releasing next version to be sure that there is nothing wrong ;)

    And thanks Nuxwin, i admire your dedication.

    All the time ;)


  • Here you go:

    PanelRedirect: yes, 1.1.5
    DefaultServerPage: no

    1. # i-MSCP Listener::Apache2::DualStack listener file# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Laurent Declercq <l.declercq@nuxwin.com>## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU# Lesser General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA### Provides dual stack support for Apache2.#package Listener::Apache2::DualStack;use iMSCP::EventManager;use List::MoreUtils qw/ uniq /;### Configuration variables## Parameter that allows to add one or many IPs to all Apache2 vhosts files# Please replace the entries below by your own entriesmy @GLOBAL_IPS = ( 'IP1', 'IP2');# Parameter that allows to add one or many IPs to the Apache2 vhost file of the specified domains# Please replace the entries below by your own entriesmy %PER_DMN_IPS = ( 'domain1.tld' => [ 'IP1', 'IP2' ], 'domain2.tld' => [ 'IP1', 'IP2' ]);### Please, don't edit anything below this line#iMSCP::EventManager->getInstance()->register( 'onAddHttpdVhostIps', sub { my ($data, $domainIps) = @_; push @{$domainIps}, @GLOBAL_IPS if @GLOBAL_IPS; push @{$domainIps}, @{$PER_DMN_IPS{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}}} if $PER_DMN_IPS{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}}; 0; });1;__END__

    Edited once, last by Eomer ().

  • @Eomer

    I don't see any IPv6 in the conffile above. The server primary IP is an IPv4. The dualstack listener is not configured at all.

    So, what you have done exactly? You added the IPv6 through the control panel as administrator, you have assigned it to your reseller and as reseller you have set it for your customer, right? And it is not working? I get a bit lost.

    BTW: No need to add your IPv6 in your /etc/hosts file normally. Only the primary IP address is added into that file by i-MSCP. As long as the IPv6 is added in your DNS zones (AAAA DNS records), that should be enough. Now, if you want really add it in the /etc/hosts file for local resolving, you can always use the appropriate listener file: https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc…System/10_system_hosts.pl

    Note: The server primary IP for i-MSCP is the one that you select during i-MSCP installation (or reconfiguration). Note that the IP is allways added in the customer Apache2 vhost files, regardless of the selected IP for your customers.


  • I don't see any IPv6 in the conffile above. The server primary IP is an IPv4. The dualstack listener is not configured at all.

    So, what you have done exactly? You added the IPv6 through the control panel as administrator, you have assigned it to your reseller and as reseller you have set it for your customer, right? And it is not working? I get a bit lost.

    I'm supposed to configure the listener myself right?
    Yes, i did try to configure it myself but it was not working (probably because i didnt do the step in the screenshot)

    I never touched the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file though.

    The listener was configured like this (i did that):

    1. my @GLOBAL_IPS = (
    2. '',
    3. '2a00:fe0:1:4d:5054:ff:fe00:c'
    4. );

    THEN I removed the IP's from the listener (as you see in the config file i posted in my last reply) and switched to the IPv6-address here (editing the customer):


    It was set to the IPv4 address before and i didn't realize that changing it would do something.
    But i tried and then it started working.

    Note: The server primary IP for i-MSCP is the one that you select during i-MSCP installation (or reconfiguration). Note that the IP is allways added in the customer Apache2 vhost files, regardless of the selected IP for your customers.

    I know this one. I thought that it asked me for "do you want to enable ipv6?" but i guess i was wrong about that.

    BTW: No need to add your IPv6 in your /etc/hosts file normally. Only the primary IP address is added into that file by i-MSCP. As long as the IPv6 is added in your DNS zones (AAAA DNS records), that should be enough. Now, if you want really add it in the /etc/hosts file for local resolving, you can always use the appropriate listener file: github.com/i-MSCP/imscp/blob/1…System/10_system_hosts.pl

    I will remove it then. Thanks! I don't need local resolving.

    for your customers

    Just to calm you a little: I don't have any real customers, that would be irresponsible :D

    EDIT (short summary):

    1. Edited the listener

    2. undid the edit of the listener

    3. activated IPv6 for the customer and then it DID work. It still works.

    The only thing that doesn't work right now is the the panel redirect from an ipv6 address, ipv4 works.
    Its not forwarding at all.

    What i did NOW:
    1. removed ipv6 from the host file
    2. added the ipv6 address to the apache listener

    Sorry, im not trying to confuse anybody.

    Edited 2 times, last by Eomer ().

  • I reconfigured the panel and now everything is working. IPv6 and IPv4.

    Here's what worked for me:

    1. removing ipv6 from the /etc/hosts file
    2. adding the ipv4 and the ipv6 address to the apache listener file
    3. reconfiguring the panel

    No issues at all.

    Thanks again!!