InstantSSH adding user "Unknown Error occured"

  • Hi,

    since the latest update of InstantSSH from 4.x to 5.0.1 'm getting this error-message:
    "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten."

    How can i get the real output of the command? Or better - is there a log-file?

    kind regards

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  • @MasterTH

    Enable the debug mode in your imscp.conf file and show us the logs for the InstantSSH plugin log file which is located under the /var/log/imscp directory.


    since the latest update of InstantSSH from 4.x to 5.0.1 'm getting this error-message:
    "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten."

    You don't provide us any contextual information... You get that error when exactly? Give us the exact steps to reproduce the issue.


  • hi,

    sorry i missed that. i'm getting this error when i try to add a new user.

    i enabled debug and reproduced the issue, but no log file? (well there is one but 0B)

  • I'll try to reproduce this evening.
