Hi I have php-switcher installed on my IMSCP, it works well however I cannot get the default php.ini settings to be read!
I am using php 5.6 in /opt/phpswitcher/php5.6/ and the php.ini is /opt/phpswitcher/php5.6/etc/php/php.ini
I have verified the ini in use with php_ini_loaded_file() and I have configured my max upload file size from 2M to 50M BUT it's still stuck on 2M! Verified with ini_get('upload_max_filesize').
I have restarted php 56fpm (service psw5.6-fpm restart) and apache too. But still it is saying 2M, why is it not reading my changes? The /opt/phpswitcher/php5.6/etc/php/php.ini looks correct and sets the value to 50M (once only).
there must be some simple explanation here but I cannot see it, please can someone help?