Android application

  • Hello I finally finished to test the android app for ispcp and still working for Easyscp and I-mscp.
    Any comment about the graphic or functionality may be accepted.
    Tomorrow I will write a simple site with instructions, screenshots and many other stuff.

    You can see a video here:

    Information about the project:


    Official MyHosting site:

    Costs: 9,99 Euro in Playstore


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    Edited once, last by xorg ().

  • aw, read-only? if i could add/edit, then I would pay. as read-only... sorry.

    but still, very nice work, very happy the program exists, thank you :)

    edit: just saw from your site that you're planning to have the write version available in February, great! when you do, I will buy :)

    Edited once, last by anarking ().

  • Playstore Link?…tails?

    be patient, i recently pay the taxes and don't have money to buy a Mac
    but the code is ready to run on Iphone/Ipad the new functions on February

    create E-mail and Ftp accounts
    on Imscp & I-mscp

    I'm testing a reboot Apache/Mysql/Postfix/Proftp function

    and a Time machine function for the apache configuration file(you
    can select the configuration file to restore from some backup files)

    aw, read-only? if i could add/edit, then I would pay. as read-only... sorry.

    but still, very nice work, very happy the program exists, thank you :)

    edit: just saw from your site that you're planning to have the write version available in February, great! when you do, I will buy :)

    Hi anarking ,
    what do you think that may be a right price for the app (the google play account join fee is 18 USD and take 30% from the app price)
    let now your feed back

    Edited once, last by rycardo74 ().

  • for read-only (and this beta version)... $5, or free really would be best for you, that will help you get a user-base, that you need. then the "pro" or write/function version... $15 is probably good. $10 does seem very cheap, but $20 is a bit much until there are more features. although... if you can get those reboot functions in, I will pay $20 :) just my opinion. this is a community open-source project where people are contributing hard work for a common good and for free, so take that into consideration. again, very cool app and happy you've taken the time to make it :) just make sure it's not buggy...

  • If it has to cost something, then maybe make a limited access version for free, so people can at least try it before they buy it :-)
    Personally I don't see any functions worth that much yet, but stille a good job, looks nice :-)
    I'm sure once it gets more features, it will be a success, to help manage minor things on the run, without having to start up a laptop. :-)

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

  • Tank you denully for you feed back
    What are the "minor things " that you thing that may be useful?

    I'm return to the project with more ideas like live migration site (cluster) between
    two servers.[/b]

  • I think "minor" things like reset and send passwords, backup restore, create/edit email accounts and ftp accounts, view services status. bigger things like edit domains, install software, etc. would all be awesome, of course, but larger.