IMSCP: 1.3.8
Debian 8.6
Postfix / Courier
It seems there is a miscalculation in email quota ...
more precisely in "Edit mail account" function
New Test Account: 2000 MB
Disk Usage: 0.00% [0.00 B of 1.95 GiB]
Email quota 500.00 MiB / 1.95 GiB
add a new email account shows: (not added just display the quota)
Quota in MiB (Max: 1500.00 MiB)
and Edit mail account shows:
Quota in MiB (Max: 1750.00 MiB)
### edit ###
another example w/ a real mail account and used space:
Disk Usage: 46.70% [934.01 MiB of 1.95 GiB]
Email Quota 1.95 GiB / 1.95 GiB
Email: Usage: 407.56 MiB
this user have 4 email acc.
119.15 MiB / 250.00 MiB of 1.95 GiB
7.23 MiB / 250.00 MiB of 1.95 GiB
12.00 kiB / 150.00 MiB of 1.95 GiB
279.55 MiB / 350.00 MiB of 1.95 GiB
edit the mail account w/ 279.55 MiB shows:
Quota in MB (Max: 350.00 MiB)