Migrating from ispcp 1.0.7 to imscp (Stable)

  • Hiya,

    i just migrated a running ispcp 1.0.7 to imscp 1.0.3 on a debian squeeze root server with ~20 Domains, ~200 Emailaccounts and ~10 Users - everything works really fine except:

    - The Database in mysql is still called ISPCP, looks strange but it works and imscp uses it. Wouldnt it be better to copy/rename it to a new database called imscp?

    - The Service Status page was spoiled a bit, some services where not shown (e.g. IMAP-SSL) but working, some services where shown as down (e.g. SMTP) but properly working. Settings/Service Ports throws some errors on updating it with protocol not valid. After i looked direct into the database/config i found some differences between those entries: e.g.:
    - 10024;tcp;AMAVIS;1;1;localhost
    - 53;tcp;DNS;1;0;xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    - 10023;;POSTGREY;1;1;
    The one with the missing "tcp" where easy to fix, just added tcp between the both ; and saved it. works. but some entries were also missing the ipadress/localhost (is there a difference? should i better use localhost for all entrys?).
    After that it shows all services as working, which are working and the update of Settings/Server Ports also works without any errormessage.

    - the update of the web software repository failed with an error, after searching the forum i found a thread explaining how to fix it (2 lines in 2 config files must be changed) - how about integrating that fix in the downloadable 1.0.3 version? will be much easiern for newcomers like me ... ;)

    Again, imscp is a ecellent piece of software and it works very well - i just wanted to mention some things i stumbled above.

    maybe some (or all) of those things above happenend to me, because i did something wrong, then it would be great if someone clarifys that for me...



    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Hello ;

    I'll have a check.

    Thanks you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().