API and multi server functionality

  • Hey,

    we are currently evaluating i-MSCP as a hosting panel.

    Does i-MSCP have an API which allows us to create customers, hostings, etc. via an external order system (not WHMCS, which I know a plugin exists for). I couldn't find any information about an API in the documentation.

    If it doesn't have an API, and we decide to create our own API plugin: Are all actions performed in real time or is there a database with pending tasks that are regularly executed by a cronjob for example (as with Confixx or Froxlor)?

    Another functionality that is important to us is the possibility of running different, single services on different servers. So for example, one server should act as the application server (Apache and PHP), another server as a MySQL server and another one as a mail server. Each server should only perform its own assigned task and they should be manageable by a central management server (where the control panel is located on). So for example, we want customers to be able to create mail accounts in the management panel and the customer should then be able to send mails via the seperate mail server with the account he just created. Is this something which is currently realisable with i-MSCP?

    Thank you for your help.


  • Good evening,

    There is no callable API yet. Right now, the database is filled with the needed information and the status field with the action to be performed (toadd, tochange, todelete...). Then, a request to the i-MSCP daemon is made. The daemon execute the backend of i-MSCP which pull data from the database, do the needed tasks on the fs and once finished, update the status field to 'ok'.

    Each item have it own table with a specific status field. There is no dedicated table for job queue at this moment.

    About multi server feature, this is planned for version 1.4.x
