New i-MSCP info file has been created.

  • Hallo zusammen.

    Ich habe die Suche leider erfolglos gequält ;( , wurde also nicht fündig. Ich habe in dem Adminprotokoll oft die Zeile stehen: "New i-MSCP info file has been created."

    Aber: Wo finde ich dieses File? Ich würde gerne mal nachsehen, was da mitgeloggt wird, kann es aber im leider in den üblichen Debian Verzeichnissen nicht finden ?( . Hat jemand einen Tipp?

    Danke und Gruß :angel: ,

  • @Revi

    This is the cached info about last i-MSCP release: /var/www/imscp/gui/data/cache/imscp_info.json

    Content look as follow:

    1. {"url":"","assets_url":"","upload_url":"{?name,label}","html_url":"","id":4744836,"tag_name":"1.3.8","target_commitish":"1.3.x","name":"1.3.8 Release","draft":false,"author":{"login":"nuxwin","id":125594,"avatar_url":"","gravatar_id":"","url":"","html_url":"","followers_url":"","following_url":"{/other_user}","gists_url":"{/gist_id}","starred_url":"{/owner}{/repo}","subscriptions_url":"","organizations_url":"","repos_url":"","events_url":"{/privacy}","received_events_url":"","type":"User","site_admin":false},"prerelease":false,"created_at":"2016-11-23T19:26:21Z","published_at":"2016-11-23T19:31:23Z","assets":[],"tarball_url":"","zipball_url":"","body":"Maintenance Release"}

    The file lifetime is 24 hours. Past of 24 hours, the file will be automatically re-created when the administrator will login. You can disable check for new updates by changing the Check for update configuration parameter in the settings section (admin level).
