Listener for Skel Pages

  • Hello,

    i have tried the Listener from… to adjust.

    It works the Disable Page is now my Customized Page.After perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    I have adapted the original (only the text)

    But i have the Problem. I get only the text displayed..

    Domain {DOMAIN_NAME_UNICODE} deaktiviert

    The domain name is not displayed. The standard box also not. Only Text ?(

    @Nuxwin Please be gracious. I am ready to learn.

    Edit: I have the Errorpage adapted (index.html + inc) at all defaults. All work but Domain_disable not

    Edited once, last by Peter ().

  • @Peter

    You're copying your own skel directory at the wrong location... There is no {DOMAIN_NAME_UNICODE} template variable in the page for disabled domain. See…disabled_pages/index.html

    You must copy your own skel directory into /etc/imscp, not in /var/www/imscp/gui/etc/imscp/skel. To resume, you must change

    1. iMSCP::Dir->new( dirname => $CUSTOM_THEMES_PATH )->rcopy( "$main::imscpConfig{'GUI_ROOT_DIR'}/etc/imscp/skel" );


    1. iMSCP::Dir->new( dirname => $CUSTOM_THEMES_PATH )->rcopy(
    2. "$main::imscpConfig{'CONF_DIR'}/skel"
    3. );

    BTW: Don't forget that the listener will acts only when you run the i-MSCP installer. The first time, you need to copy the directory yourself.

    I really think that you should learn a bit more about i-MSCP before trying to customize it. We cannot answer all your questions. We are not your teachers.

    Thread closed.
