Installing IMSCP without using outside repositories - composer, github, etc.

  • Hello,
    I need to deploy imscp servers in a local network that has no internet access. I'm using Debian 8.6 Jessie as my server OS. I've successfully created my local APT repository so Debian grabs all necessary system packages from it and doesn't need internet to download it. But i've run into difficulty with imscp. I've noticed Imscp 1.3.x installer is not self-contained - at a certain setup stage it wants to download "composer" packages or "github" packages. I wanted to alter the imscp 1.3.x setup to include the tools such as phpmyadmin, roundcube and monstaftp so that I don't have to depend on internet to fetch those packages.
    Could someone please help me or give advice on how to include tools from composer packages inside the imscp package so the setup doesn't try to download them from the internet?
    Best Regards,