Hilfe bei Upgrade von i-MSCP 1.2.11 auf neuste Version

  • Hallo,

    ich selber traue mich nicht an das Upgrade von meine aktuellen i-MSCP version auf die neuste Version, ich habe Angst das ich da etwas kaputt update oder etwas vergesse. Oder es probleme mit dem Email empfang o.Ä. gibt.
    Gibt es eine möglichkeit hilfe bei dem Prozess zu bekommen, sodass garantiert alles glatt läuft ?


  • Hello,

    If you wish, we can do the update for you. We provide a online support service.

    See https://i-mscp.net/index.php/User/650-Nuxwin/#about


  • How long would the complete Updating need (latest imscp and latest plugin versions).

    Could ou send me a price/offer please?


  • @salexes

    One hour (37€) should be enough for checking your current installation, updating i-MSCP and your plugins.


  • Now, it's ok for me.


  • @Nuxwin
    Great, wrote you a pm, will wait for your answer.

    Are you there, I am sitting here and wait for your answer.
    If you do not have time now could you sepcify when? So I do not sit in front of the pc doing nothing. :D
    Still waiting :D Please I would like to use the last few hours of my day, not sitting in front of my pc and spent some time with my family.

    Edited 2 times, last by salexes ().

  • Update done ;)


    • Imported missing APT key
    • Updated your system from Debian Jessie 8.2 to Debian Jessie 8.6
    • Updated your i-MSCP installation from version 1.2.11 to 1.3.x branch (The 1.3.x branch contains the code for the coming 1.3.8 version). I've set your version to 1.3.8 (build 20161105) manually in your /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file
    • Updated all your plugins to latest versions, keeping your current settings for the SpamAssassin plugin.

    Thank you for using our online support service.


  • You're welcome ;)

    Thread closed.
