OpenDKIM - seit Update Fehler

  • Hallo,

    ich habe auf IMSCP 1.3.5 upgedatet und seit dem Update bekomme ich folgenden Fehler:


    Plugin-Installation fehlgeschlagen: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1091 Can't DROP 'opendkim_id'; check that column/key exists

    Verwende Debian 7 (Wheezy).

    Kann es weder installieren, noch deinstallieren.

    Hoffe irgendjemand hat eine Idee :)

    Speddy likes this.
  • @drakul

    The error has nothing to do with your i-MSCP version ;) The error is due to the fact that you have removed the OpenDKIM plugin manually without triggering uninstallation through the plugin management interface.


    • Connect to PhpMyAdmin using i-MSCP master SQL user
    • Drop the opendkim table from the i-MSCP database if any
    • Select the i-MSCP database and execute the following query: DELETE FROM domain_dns WHERE owned_by = 'OpenDKIM_Plugin'
    • Select the i-MSCP database and execute the following query: DELETE from plugin WHERE plugin_name = 'OpenDKIM'
    • Connect to the control panel as administrator and go to the plugin management interface
    • Update the plugin list
    • Re-install the OpenDKIM plugin


    drakul likes this.
  • Nuxwin

    thx for the quick response :)

    But I did it not with PhpMyAdmin I just used Adminer.
    Works Great :D

    There was just one problem, I couldn't remember my password so I used this line

    dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5 ||run aus root and remove this

    Then I need to drop the opendkim table and nothing more :)

    And of course you've forgotten @point 3 --> 'OpenDKIM_Plugin' but I think you just wanted to test if the noob could fix this :D :D :D

  • And of course you've forgotten @point 3 --> 'OpenDKIM_Plugin' but I think you just wanted to test if the noob could fix this

    Lol, no... I really forgot the quote. Fixed.

    Thread closed.
