Replaced Thankyou Mod

  • Since the old Plugin made some troubles i replace the Mod with an other on.

    The Problem is now, that all thanks given are deleted.

    The good think. The new Mod is suported by Tapatalk. :)

    The old plugin worked like sharme. I've re-enabled it. and for the new, I can make some sql queries to migrate old thanks given to the new plugin if you want.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • This would be great. Thank you

    Oki, I'll do that today. ;)


  • I'll disable Thanks plugin during migration.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Migration done.

    For the record, migration was done as follow:

    1. I've disabled all thanks plugins
    2. I've executed that SQL query:

    1. INSERT INTO `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` (`pid`,`uid`,`puid`,`dateline`) SELECT `pid`, `adduid`, `uid`, `time` FROM `mybb_thx`;

    3. I've re-enabled new thanks plugin
    4. I've updated thanks like stats via admin interface

    That all.

    Edit: Duplicate entries from old plugin were removed.

    Query to find duplicates entries:

    1. SELECT `tlid`FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`WHERE `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`tlid` IN-- List 1 - all rows that have duplicates(SELECT `t1`.`tlid`FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` AS `t1`WHERE EXISTS (SELECT `pid`, `uid`, `puid`, COUNT(`tlid`)FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`WHERE `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid` = `t1`.`pid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid` = `t1`.`uid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid` = `t1`.`puid`GROUP BY `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid`HAVING COUNT(`mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`tlid`) > 1))AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`tlid` NOT IN-- List 2 - one row from each set of duplicate(SELECT MIN(`pid`)FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` AS `t1`WHERE EXISTS (SELECT `pid`, `uid`, `puid`, COUNT(`tlid`)FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`WHERE `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid` = `t1`.`pid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid` = `t1`.`uid` AND `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid` = `t1`.`puid`GROUP BY `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`uid`, `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`puid`HAVING COUNT(`mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike`.`pid`) > 1)GROUP BY `pid`, `uid`, `puid`);

    And then

    1. DELETE FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` WHERE `tlid` IN(<LIST_OF_IDS_FROM_PREVIOUS_QUERY>)

    Edit: Also deleted wrong entrie resulting of bad accounts merging (auto thanks)

    1. DELETE FROM `mybb_g33k_thankyoulike_thankyoulike` WHERE `uid` = `puid`


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().