_getComposer: Could not install/update composer.phar: Segmentation fault

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to upgrade a customer server from

    • Debian 7
    • I-MSCP 1.1.19


    • Debian 8
    • I-MSCP 1.3.1

    All is fine. However, when I try to upgrade I-MSCP to 1.3.1 or 1.3.x I get the folllowing error:

    1. [ERROR] iMSCP::Composer::_getComposer: Could not install/update composer.phar: Segmentation faultautoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps

    When i start the update with -dc i got the information:

    1. [Fri Sep 23 18:44:03 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: UCF_FORCE_CONFFMISS=1 debconf-apt-progress --logstderr -- apt-get -y -o DPkg::Options::='--force-confnew' -o DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' --auto-remove --purge --no-install-recommends install awstats libaprutil1-dbd-mysql
    2. [Fri Sep 23 18:44:04 2016] [debug] iMSCP::EventManager::trigger: Triggering afterSetupPreInstallPackages event
    3. [Fri Sep 23 18:44:04 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::executeNoWait: su - imscp -s /bin/sh -c 'curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php -d date.timezone=UTC -d allow_url_fopen=1 -d suhosin.executor.include.whitelist=phar'
    4. [Fri Sep 23 18:44:04 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: Command exited with value: 139
    5. [Fri Sep 23 18:44:04 2016] [error] iMSCP::Composer::_getComposer: Could not install/update composer.phar: Segmentation fault
    6. [Fri Sep 23 18:44:04 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/bin/dialog --title 'i-MSCP Installer Dialog' --ok-label Ok --insecure --help-label Help --colors --no-label No --yes-label Yes --cancel-label Back --backtitle 'i-MSCP - internet Multi Server Control Panel (Git 1.3.x)' --exit-label Abort --no-shadow --$

    Does someone has an idea about this issue?

  • Support in progress ;)


  • Fixed. Problem was due to openssl.
