Phpmyadmin Export Database Problem

  • Hello Community,

    i have a big Problem with PHPMYADMIN. When i will Export a Database i get this Message.

    Warning: a form on this Page has more then 1000 fields. On submission, some of the fields might be ignored do to Php max_input_vars configuration.

    I Set the max_input_vars 2000 and remove the ";". After this i Restart the Service of Apache2.

    But the Error Warning show again.

    IMSCP Version: 1.3.0

  • @DanielTeu

    Which file you edited exactly?


  • @DanielTeu

    The i-MSCP frontEnd, including tools such as PhpMyAdmin, the webmail and the filemanager use a dedicated PHP-FPM instance. You have edited the system PHP file which is not involved. You must edit the files (specially the php-fpm.conf file) from:

    1. root@jessie:~# ls /usr/local/etc/imscp_panel/php-fpm.conf php.ini

    Once done, you must restart the imscp_panel service:

    1. service imscp_panel restart

    Note: Don't forget to revert your changes in the /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini file.


  • Please, update to latest release... or if you want keep that version, look at /var/www/fcgi/master directory. Same here, once you made your changes, you must restart the imscp_panel service.
