i-MSCP 1.3.0 Build: 20160626
Debian 8.5 updated to latest stable
PHP 5.6.24
Apache FPM
All latest free plugins (current versions) and all paid plugins except PHP Switcher
I have an issue with Spamassassin Plugin. It sounds similar to a a problem posted here Spamassassin not working? . I first noticed it when I rebooted my server. Mail headers are not being signed and I discovered spamass-milter was causing the issue. I had to stop the spamass-milter server manually then reload the spamassassin plugin through the imscp console and it works again.
Upon investigation, outside of an error about spamass-milter not being loaded in mail.log, I get "Could not retrieve sendmail macro "b"!. Please add it to confMILTER_MACROS_ENVRCPT for better spamassassin results" in my mail log. I have just enabled debug in imsp (sorry, I should have enabled to begin with, won't happen again) and will add what I may get from my logs when I try to recreate this.
Thank you and keep up the good work.