Unable to see add mx mail options for a domain under the external mail Server option

  • Hi so we installed the new version of IMSCP 1.3.0 and we have added a customer . The domain is activated but it seems the option is just not there to add any email mx records.

    I have attached a screen print of the area on the panel that I expected the options to be.

    Any help with this would be great.


  • So as I understood correctly you have a domain and alias domain and one of these domains is not available for external mailfeature? Which one?

  • I have just found out in this new version of imscp external mail feature does not need a config. That external mail servers are no longer created by imscp. Now these records must been done through the DNS Service provider. Regrading mail forwarding mx / SPF records.


    Mail settings - MX Records and External

  • Yeah that's right. DNS records need to be added manually because they are not always the same..

  • @lucy.dev

    Changes happen more faster than you expect ;)

    Relevant documentation: https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc….md#external-mail-feature
