DNS behaviour

  • I recently changed from external to internal DNS and I recognised, that the DNS is configured quite strange.

    I was expecting, that I update all domains' ns-record with the new ns IPs and that's it. However, I need to update each domain to ns1.<domain.tld> and ns2.<domain.tld> with the corresponding IPs where the website is running on (i. e. not the server Base IP).


    It would be a great enhancement, to have all DNS records like nsX.base-domain.tld or a freely chosen domain name.

  • As DNS is a hierarchical system, it is strongly discouraged to do so. You would have to set many glue records, if you did as you wish.

    Usual setup:

    Hoster Domain: Glue records for ns1.hoster.example, ns2.hoster.example, ...
    A, AAAA, MX, .... are configured at these Nameservers

    All other Domains use NS records pointing to ns1.hoster.example, ns2.hoster.example.
    A, AAAA, MX, .... are configured at these Nameservers.

  • @f4Nm1Z9k2P

    That is exactly what he expected ;) The current behavior in i-MSCP comes from VHCS implementation.... Each domain name must currently have its own glue records which is a mess (and also pose many problem such as reverse DNS)... This will be fixed in later version. Right now, the workaround is to override default templates with event listeners.


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