login by ftp client to cyrilic domain - домен.рф

  • Hellow all, how i can login to my cyrilic domain by ftp client?
    In panel, when i am add new ftp user, panel generating the username like this: username@домен.рф, but i can not login with this user name by TotalCommander.
    I am trying use a username@xn--d1acufc.xn--p1ai - and this do not worked...(

    Can you halp me?

  • Hello,

    This is a known problem which has been fixed in the 1.2.x branch. The fix will be part of next release (1.2.18).

    In current i-MSCP version, IDNs are stored "as this" for FTP usernames. The problem is that many FTP clients don't support IDNs. In next i-MSCP version, only IDNA form will be supported.



  • whether it is possible to create a custom domain cyrillic login for ftp? like for domain домен.рф login must be a username@hostname.ru or only username or another variant ?
    it may be possible to rename an existing login in the database proftpd?