Slow Time To First Byte / Response

  • Hello,

    I installed imscp 1.2.17 on a fresh debian vps.
    It has 6gb ram, 4vcores and is located in Munich.
    When I load my page i got really bad wait times.
    I already outsourced static files to various cdns and set my javascript to use the async load tag.
    Do you know why I get so bad loading times ?

    Thanks for your help!

  • yes i know .. but its really slow on my friends pc / my pc / my tab and my phone.
    would be nice if a other user could look into this.

  • So what?

    yes i know .. but its really slow on my friends pc / my pc / my tab and my phone.

    Someone should have a look at you pc? or at your mobilephone?
    Are you kidding?

    I see you have both and cloudflare? Maybe this is part of your problem.
    The wait times are coming from kxcdn. You are using a free / trial account?
    Change it to cloudflare completely and have a look at the results.

    On pingdom test from amsterdam.

    BTW: My websites (without CDN) have a 95 rate at googlepagespeed and at least 88 at YSlow.
    You can install pagespeed for apache (


  • haha no not on my mobile phone just on the website to see the loading speed.
    I used cloudflare alone before. But pingdom told me that many static ressources are not loaded from cloudflare so I outsourced them.
    I had the same problem using cloudflare alone.
    I will try to migrate to another hoster.
    But thanks for your help.