Some helpful wishes

  • Subdomain
    For the opening of a new domain, which isn't reachable not yeat over the the 'domain.tld' we have a the Alternative URL like 'vu20xx.....' to open it.
    The same funstionalitity would be usefull for subdomains.

    If I have a secure certificate for a domain, I would like, that all visitors are redirected to https. The needed configuration for this should be choosen for example by reseller over the 'features' list in the manage domain area.

  • for first feature please open a ticket. For second, in 1.3.x branch we already implemented the HSTS feature.. :)

  • Is it true, that this two files has to be copied into:

    After this and any updateprocess the new funtionality should be available?

  • Yes and for the first time activation run the i-MSCP installer: /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-setup -dn

  • mrpink:
    To use these listeners was not a good idea. After the new setup using these listeners, the websites with ssl connection work no longer. the adresses mismatch. I had to rerun the setup without the listeners. After that the sll-sites work again.

  • I'm using the listeners since some time and I don't have any problems. I assume it must be a problem on your side.

  • Have you already patches your 1.2.17 Version?