ispCP 1.0.6 to i-mscp but no root SQL password

  • Hello everybody!

    i have a i-scpCP 1.0.6 Installation running on a physical Ubuntu Server.
    Is there a easy possibility to migrate this machine to the new i-msCP without having the root SQL password of the old machine? I just have to admin and reseller of i-isCP and the Server password.

    I have not documented the password a few years ago.


  • You should be able to retrieve the SQL password given (its stored encrypted - but not as hash).

    Or you can change the password (an/or username) for the mysql acccess - there's a docu in the wiki (should...)

    to retrieve you need something like this

    hope it's correct...


  • if you have ispcp running and updated from earlier versions there could be a lot of problems with the database.

    Upgrade to 1.0.7 at first, fix the errors. Then try to migrate.