Update from 1.2.13 to 1.2.15 -> setupRebuildCustomerFiles

  • I've got a strange problem:
    I am using i-MSCP for a short while now, because I want something to replace plesk/odin.
    I got used to 1.2.13 and than decided to check the upgrade process to 1.2.15

    But after downloading the 1.2.15 packet and calling "perl imscp-autoinstall" (with -d, -f, and without arguments) , I got following in step 21 of 21:

    It looks like there's a perl script called in bash, but I don't know how to fix this.
    I tried re-installing multiple times now, with 1.2.14 and 1.2.15. Done a reboot, but always with same error...

    Can you help me with this?

    My system:
    Ubuntu 14.04 64bit LTS (Linux v22016022993431657 3.13.0-79-generic)
    Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
    PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.14
    mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.47, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 6.3

    :Edit: This happens when installing the 1.2.13 package, too. But I installed it a few weeks ago without any problems???

    Edited once, last by xplod ().

  • Hello;

    Please run the installer as follow

    1. perl imscp-autoinstall -dnv >log.txt

    Then, once finished, send us full log.txt

    BTW: You should not use the -f command line option unless really needed.


  • Thnaks for your reply.

    The only thing installed after i-MSCP was Zarafa, so I uninstalled it, but the error still occurs...
    So it must have something to do with "normal" apt-get upgrade...

    Than I tried your -dnv switch, the result is appended in the attachments...

    When I understand this log correctly, there seems to be problems with mysql DB. So I had a look in imscp.conf file, and found an invalid password stated there (or is it encrypted?).
    Before the update, everything worked fine, so I don't know why he should have "forgotten" the right password...

    :Edit: I changed the password, and started installation anew -> Still the same error.


    • log.txt

      (170.5 kB, downloaded 4 times, last: )
  • @xplod

    There is a problem with the sotware installer. Can I access your server to investigate?


  • @xplod

    The password in the imscp.conf file is encoded...


  • @xplod

    In your logs, we can see:

    1. [[0;34mDEBUG[0m] iMSCP::Execute::execute: perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-pkt-mngr "WyIzIiwiMSIsIlNlcnZlckRlZmF1bHRQYWdlKDEpIiwidG9hZGQiLCJ5ZXMiXQ=="

    So, I decoded the WyIzIiwiMSIsIlNlcnZlckRlZmF1bHRQYWdlKDEpIiwidG9hZGQiLCJ5ZXMiXQ== base64 string through https://www.base64decode.org/ and the result is relly strange:

    1. ["3","1","ServerDefaultPage(1)","toadd","yes"]

    Thus please, can you run the following MySQL query and give us the result:

    1. # mysql -u root -p<your_password>
    2. > use imscp;
    3. > SELECT * FROM web_software;
    4. > quit

    I think that you uploaded the i-MSCP ServerDefaultPage plugin as a software package which could explain the sh error. The i-MSCP ServerDefaultPage plugin is not a sofware package. It is a plugin. I'll try to reproduce such mistake to be sure (uploading ServerDefaultPage as a software package)...

    @Ninos funny, isn't it :D As I can see, the software installer doesn't even check archive integrity nor ensure that it is an archive containing software package...


  • You're right. I tried to installed the "serverdefaultpage" plugin.
    When I went to plugin page, the plugin was stated as "currently installing". As it seems, the installation process stopped somewhere in the middle, and got stuck...

    There query said: No elements.
    I deleted the plugin, and after some minor mysql problems (cannot get lock), the update succedded.

    Thanks for your help!
    I think I will go away from plesk and use I-MSCP for my IT services (ok, currently just 3 servers).
    I don't want to donate money (tax reasons). Is there some way to support you "with an invoice"?

  • @xplod

    Of course, just give me what you want as invoive and for which amount (via private conversation).


  • OK, I'll will do some further testing, and than come back to you...

    But in the meanwhile, I have got another question:
    On my server, there's a zarafa installation running, which inserts files into /etc/aapche2/sites-enabled. These files use php_flag statements.

    Any time I update i-MSCP, the package libapache2-mod-php5 is removed, so that the imscp-autoinstall script crashes because of unknown syntax "php_flag". Is it possible to add the php5 package to I-MSCPs standard packages?
    (Or to temporarily move all other sites in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled?)

  • @xplod

    The php_flag directive is only usable in vhosts when you use php as Apache module. If the libapache2-mod-php5 is removed when you update i-MSCP, that is simply because you use another i-MSCP httpd server implementation (fcgid or php fpm). You can always create a listener file which will tells the i-MSCP installer to not remove that package. For instance, assuming that you're running latest Debian version (or Ubuntu equivalent), the following listener file will do the job:

    To activate this listener, simply create the following file:

    1. /etc/imscp/listeners.d/10_keep_packages.pl

    and put the content from the pastbin link into it:

    Then now, when you will run perl imscp-autoinstall -d, all will work as you expects.

    The following logs show the listener in action (on Ubuntu Xenial):
