
  • Hello,

    I have Hsphere but I can't not upgrade it unless I pay so I am looking for a different hosting control panel.

    I am wondering what is the best OS to use and How do you install this..:D

    I look forward and talking with you guys.. I have 5 servers I would love to set-up and use with this control panel.

  • Hi Webguy1,

    Thank you for considering our hosting panel.

    If you browsed our page a bit and wen't to the wiki section you would see that the best supported OS is by far Debian -
    As goes for the installation instructions, again I have to point you towards the wiki, more specific:

    When you've read through those pages, and if you still have questions feel free to get back to us.

  • Thanks..
    I have looked at the installation but It doesnt say what to put for the partations for the HDD.

    Looking forward to get this up and running by this weekend.

  • You just need to make a clean installation of preferable Debian, partitioning if you are not that familiar with Linux, go with everything in one partition.
    If you go with dividing up the partitions make sure /var has the most space, since that's where all web/mail/db content/logs are put.

  • You just need to make a clean installation of preferable Debian, partitioning if you are not that familiar with Linux, go with everything in one partition.
    If you go with dividing up the partitions make sure /var has the most space, since that's where all web/mail/db content/logs are put.

    Ok Thanks..

    And for setting 4servers say I want one for database, and for email, one for web and the other one is for just the control panel and one more for web.

    and have the dns on the database and control panel..
    Would that work.. could you help me set that up..