"No repository for this user"

  • I've found that when I create a "root ftp user" for a domain (basically, a user that can access /var/www/virtual/domain.tld/), after a couple days, I can no longer use it.

    Suddenly, ajaxplorer refuses to acknowledge that it has a "repository" assigned to it.
    Re-making the account does nothing, and I suspect that it does something to the username.

    This has happened with two of my accounts and I can't keep changing the name of the admin account!! I have other people who use that specific FTP account as well >_>

  • Exactly. I can access the FTP account via filezilla, but not through ajaxplorer.

    Also, I've noticed that it is ONLY the "root" FTP users on domains who are affected, any FTP account assigned to sub-directories do not have this problem.

  • 1.1.0-beta1 from the master GIT repository.
    I couldn't give up roundcube >.<
    Which, btw, I have also found to have issues connecting to the mail server. Since I'm on Ubuntu 10.04, I couldn't use dovecot but was forced to use the other one (I forgot its name).

  • Yeah. I remembered the name about 20 seconds after posting that, but was too lazy to change it :P

  • I've found that when I create a "root ftp user" for a domain (basically, a user that can access /var/www/virtual/domain.tld/), after a couple days, I can no longer use it.

    Suddenly, ajaxplorer refuses to acknowledge that it has a "repository" assigned to it.
    Re-making the account does nothing, and I suspect that it does something to the username.

    Basically, ajaxplorer fails to recognize the root directory as a repository and throws a "No repository found for this user" error. FTP users using a sub-directory (AKA /domain.tld/images etc) logged in and worked fine.
    Also, the "root" accounts worked fine from a home client like filezilla. They could access do everything they normally are able to do.