Domain still remains online after deleted it

  • Hi,

    I created a reseller and as a reseller I created a user wich created a domain.
    After that, I deleted that domain and the user.
    Even I deleted the reseller, domain still remained online and also the files in html folder.
    What to do in this situation?
    Is this a bug?


  • Have you configuration files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/domain.tld.conf? Also Webspace of the deleted customer in /var/www/virtual/customerdomain.tld/? Also does the customer exists in imscp database?

  • Thank you for your promt answer.

    Do you mean that I must delete and reconfigure by myself and not through web interface?


  • I want that you check your system, so we know wäre your problems are..

    Also which imscp-version you're using?

  • I checked and there are no file like domain.tld.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ or any folder in /var/www/virtual/.
    I don't know how to check if there are any accounts in i-mscp database. Is there any phpmyadmin like web interface?

    Still domain respond at ping and I can use the ftp account I created before I deleted reseller/customer.

    And at I can see Index of/Html/appache ubuntu default page.

    I'm using I-MSCP 1.2.9.

    Thank you for your patience and help!

  • I think your domain was deleted correctly, the server is just responding a default page.

  • I think it must not respond with a generic page when I go to the address of the domain I deleted.
    I mean, when I go to, I can reach a generic page like in the attachments.
    Also, I can go into html link and see details about apache.
    Can I delete also this generic page? Because, practically, that domain does not exist any more, it should answer like that.

    And why the deleted domain respond to ping? As it is still online.

    Thank you


  • Ping has nothing to do with the website.. You could purge apache2 completely and rerun the imscp autoinstall. Think this way is the easiest one for you.

    PS: Which Ubuntu version you're using?

  • apt-get purge apache2. After that be sure that the folder /etc/apache2/ does not exists anymore.