
  • Hi,

    Don't know how many of you have noticed, but the development of net2ftp seems to have started again in the beginning of august. You can test the new beta version of 1.0 on or download and test it yourself =).

  • Ok, but ajaxplorer is better :) in my eye's. :)


    But that's pretty cool that they are finally going to start development on it. Hopefully they fix some of the bugs with using it, and the theme maybe.. lol

  • Hello ;

    Since the engine is "pluggable" it's now easy to provide any "package" we want. I'll add the "composer" support so in few time, It's will be easy to give the users to choice what they want install (via dialog).

    About composer:

    Composer is a dependencies management system. It allow to an application to declare all its dependencies via a composer.json file. Composer is not a packages management system but since we can provide our own composer installer and since we can generate the composer.json file on the fly, it's easy to provide such support for i-MSCP. For composer, a git repository is equal to 1 package. That mean that for all 3rd software, we can have one repository.

    see here for a little example:

    We can also offer our own composer repository. A little example on my local computer:


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().