How to setup that meta-tags are readable by other programms

  • I use a programm calles "profisubmit" and this is not able to read all my meta-tags of my website created with a content management system called "papoo light". The company of "profisubmit" told me that they can read all meta-tags sucessfully by downloading my website to there host. They said that my server (host) blocks anyhow the readability of the meta-tags. They told me maybe my .htacess is to restrictable. ?( The cms company told me that the cms does not block the reading of meta-tags. ?( So is was wondering if anybody could let me know how to fix my .htaccess or any other settings of i-mscp that the meta-tags are readable by the software profisubmit. :thumbup:

    Best regards,

    Dirk Lehmann

    Edited once, last by mafioso: No unrelevant links pls ().

  • About which meta-tags you're talking? Not the html meta tags, right?

    PS: Your linked site which I removed is not reachable with subdomain "www" ;)

  • About the meta-tags in the <header> for example meta-description="blah, blah"...

  • huh, if available such meta tags should definitely be readable. It's part of the html-output. This has also nothing to do with imscp, so I'll move this thread.