ServerDefaultPage SSL Support

  • Hello,

    I have some strange behavor with ServerDefaultPage:

    • I have a domain domainA.tld on that i have a subdomain (domainB.tld) that redirects to domainC.tld
    • now example if i enter dontexist.domainB.tld all get redirected to the ServerDefaultPage but if i enter https://dontexists.domainB.tld/index.php (domainB.tld is only a subdomain with redirect) then i can see the webpage of on of our costumers? (notice: this only occurs if i join the site over https://)

    What can be the Problem here?

    As it seems this have nothing todo with ServerDefaultPage (if needed please move thread)

    I have now performet some tests and all sites on the server that are requested with https://noexists.domain.tld (https://) end on the same customer (last added). Is there a bug or why this behavor and how can i improve that? This occurs if i enable or disable ServerDefaultPage (same behavor) or Server Default Page does not interfere with SSL.

    Thanks in advance.

    Sry for my bad english :)

    Edited 5 times, last by AlpineSwiss ().

  • If https is enabled the ServerDefaultPage plugin also works on https. Which versions you're using?

  • https is enabled.
    Version of ServerDefaultPage: 1.1.2

    But i think this is not a problem related to ServerDefaultPage because even if i deactivate the Plugin i have the same behavor.

    https://noexists.domain.tld OR https://noexists.domain2.tld OR https://noexists.domain3.tld end on the same customer.

    Is this problem maybe related to SNI SSL? how can i improve that in other way?


    Sry for my bad english :)

  • Please remove the plugin completely, then install it again. If you still have the problem, that the default page is not working on https:

    • Check if it's working on http
    • Restart the webserver service apache2 restart
  • I wll give them i try later when i am at home.

    At this point i have deinstalled it completly.

    BUT i have this behavior also without ServerDefaultPage and i don't really check why.
    Without ServerDefaultPage it takes the first vHost (Domain) in the config.

    But still:
    https://noexists.domain.tld OR https://noexists.domain2.tld OR https://noexists.domain3.tld end on the same customer. (last added and not the first vHost)

    As i said befor, i think the problem is on another end, SNI? because i don't own multiple IP for each cert.

    Maybe the Project Director @Nuxwin know something more about this behavior?

    Thanks for supporting.

    Sry for my bad english :)

  • This has nothing to do with SNI. SNI is only there to be able to use multiple certs for one IP. If SNI is not supported you'll just get a message that the certificate is not valid, but after skipping this message you'll also see the output of the webserver.

    Have you dome some custom modifications in apache2? May I can also have a look via TeamViewer today?

  • Ok i will give it a try to reinstall it later + restart the apache and let you know.

    Also there are no custom modifications made in the apache2.
    If it dont works later i can let you take a look.

    I let you know after some tests tonight.

    Sry for my bad english :)

  • I have tested it now:

    • deinstalled the plugin
    • reinstalled the plugin
    • works on http
    • don't works on https (https enabled but not valid because no wildcard-cert)
    • service apache2 restart => same behavior (https://noexists.domain.tld OR https://noexists.domain2.tld OR https://noexists.domain3.tld end on the same customer. (last added and not the first vHost)

    My opinion is that it has nothing to do with ServerDefaultPage and has another reason, but what? :)

    Thanks in advance.

    Sry for my bad english :)

  • Please send me your TV data via private message. If possible you can also send me your SSH access..