SSL for customers domain question

  • Hi all,

    Do you need to generate a CSR if the customers want to buy a SSL cert for their domain or can this be created by the SSL register company?

    I see in the control panel there are options to paste their private key, certificate and CA bundle but don't see anything about the CSR


  • Hi,

    you can create a CSR if you want. To add a certificate you dont need a CSR.

    There are two ways:
    1. Without CSR: You get and need: Certificate, Private Key, Password, Intermediate certificate
    2. With CSR (Create it on your own): You get and need: Certificate, Private Key, Intermediate certificate

    So if you have generated a certificate with CSR you dont need a password.


  • ok thanks,
    I seem to get "invalid private key or passphrase" and Im using the private key I was given from rapidSSL and the passphrase I used to generate the cert is correct.

    Any ideas? Maybe the GUI is broken? Can I manually add it to a config file somewhere?

  • No,

    I can only say what i-MSCP says. Check your Private Key with your passphrase with:
    openssl rsa -in /path/to/private.key -check -noout