After an i-mscp upgrade, the file /etc/imscp/bind/parts/db.tpl will be overwritten. That's not such a huge problem, as I've written a script to replace the file after the update among other files getting overwritten.
But now I have the problem, that during the upgrade, all DNS Zonefiles under /var/cache/bind/ will be rewritten based on the default "db.tpl" template. After changing back the template according our needs, we should have a quick method to re-write all DNS Zonefiles again, deriving from our (replaced) Zone template. Is there a possibility besides deactiviating and activiating every single user / domain (should be one of the steps conducted by the system when deactivating or activating a domain)?
Unfortunatley, that doesn't work:…template-geaendert-wurde/
(used imscp instead of ispcp of course!)
Thank you very much for a short hint as it's very painful to fiddle with each single user within the GUI...