WBB Problem nach Update auf 1.2.10 - 503 error page

  • Hallo,
    seit dem Update auf 1.2.10 lässt sich mein Forum nicht mehr Aufrufen, als Fehler erhalten ich folgendes:

    Das Problem tritt seltsamerweise nur beim Forum auf, das ACP kann ich nach wie vor nutzen und auch sämtliche andere Domains funktionieren ohne Probleme.
    Bei der Installation von i-MSCP 1.2.10 hatte ich keine Fehler/Probleme, kann mich auch nach Update dort problemlos einloggen, Einstellungen einsehen/ändern, etc.
    Logs geben keine Auskunft, daher konnte ich dort nicht den Fehler finden.
    Hat jemand eine Ahnung was das Problem verursachen könnte?

  • Hello,

    We need further information:

    • Server implementation in use
    • Distro

    The problem seem to be related to gzip compression... Well, without further information, we cannot help.
    If you want, I can investigate on your server. Just add my ssh key (see in my signature) to your server and send me the relevant information (only if you want).


  • What do you mean with "Server implementation in use" and i use Debian Jessie 8.2.
    I deactivated the gzip compression for wbb4 already, then i get this error:

    I would add the ssh key, but i never used this before and i don't know how to set it up^^

  • Re ;

    Server implementation for your customers: Apache + Fcgid, Apache ITK or Apache + FastCGI or proxy + PHP-FPM

    If you don't know how to manage with SSH key, you can just send me the root user password through our conversation system. Also, don't forget to give me the server IP and ssh port if no default.

    Note: In such case you should connect on our forum using SSL at https://i-mscp.net/index.php/BoardList/ to avoid sending sensible information using non-secure connection.


  • Problem fixed on your server.

    About the 503 error page

    In i-MSCP version 1.2.10, we added the ProxyErrorOverride On parameter into the /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_nameserver.conf file to enforce usage of the 404 not found error page provided by i-MSCP when a client try access an inexistent PHP script.

    The problem with WBB is that when the maintenance mode is enabled, a 503 status code is send to the clients, resulting to a generic 503 error page instead of the maintenance mode page from WBB. From my point of view, sending a 503 status code when maintenance mode is enabled is a bad thing and I'll contact the WBB developement team about this soon.

    Right now, to fix the problem, you have two choices:

    • Setting the ProxyErrorOverride parameter to Off globally by editing the /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_nameserver.conf conffile
    • Adding the ProxyErrorOverride Off parameter in the custom apache2 conffile of the target domain (the domain which host the WBB instance). For instance, for the domain domain.tld, the custom conffile would be located at /etc/apache2/imscp/domain.tld.conf

    It should be noted that in the first case, your changes will be lost when updating or reconfiguring i-MSCP, while in the second case, changes will be persistent.

    Don't forget to restart Apache once the changes are done.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


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  • A fix has been added in the 1.3.x branch. See https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc…ad40d724d9c364f3096bee57c
    This fix will be part of i-MSCP version 1.3.9

    Thank you for your report.
