Hello all again!
Nice to see numerous bug fixes and updates panel, it is very pleasing.
But there are a number of issues and predlazheniya.
To alleviate many times those people when installing the panel, and
that there were no headaches when installing those or other cms systems,
which often require kompanenty in php
Well this kind of example.
Well first things first.
1. Strongly
suggest that there was an opportunity because of the admin panel to see
all installed php kompanenty (phpinfo) or a link to perform the opening
of this faila. And not so that people create more Fail to tomuzhe they do not always work and time will be displayed korektno.
1.1 Offer general izklyuchit Alternative URL to access the site or
vu2004.admin.hhhhhh.hh vu2004.hhhhhh.hh (without korektonoy settings
will not work) in this sense can not see.
1.2 To enable the client side to disable their websites, and not as do now, that it can only make or administrator or reseller
1.3 Implement a choice of what kind of backup client can restore the backup. And it is simply no alternative.
2. Complete implementation of editing php.ini administranivnoy panel,
that there is currently not segodneshny provides all editing
3. Execute immediately preset components in php such as: curl, eAccelerator, ZendGuardLoader, imagick, ffmpeg. etc.
3.1 It would be interesting to do so to be able to switch vesrii php. Suppose one could install another php 5.3 php 5.4 (it's a thought)
4. Minimize installation panel. By
this I podruzomevayu then, that when an installation of the panel are
not repeated every time you install or that prompts you to prilazhennoy
along the dimension or enter username and password, I think that will be
enough to make it once. Or
even make a password generator and at the end of installation to a
simple conclusion default login - admin-imscp, well, the one that will
generate the password system installation. In order to establish who would preserve the information that issued
the system, and subsequently when the Administrator started will go to
panel at the same inside himself can change the fact as he pleases.
Not bad would think on the implementation and refinement of its plug-in
from the administrative side of the panel and install kopanenty plugins
so that, for man climbed on drugm sites and was not looking for a
particular plug-in and can immediately see and download them from the
admin panel without to search for and implementation itennetu double work.
6. Osnavnaya and it would be interesting to think about vozvozhnosti
edit templates from the admin panel, again without resorting to
non-standard solutions, would also be interested in the fact that you
can even offer different templates so that the person could buy them and
7. Implement button or command line in order to be able to reboot the server from the admin panel, as well as apache. and do not use third-party software
8. Interestingly byloby implement a backup of the entire system as the
admin panel, as well as the possibility of cron, for that to automatize
this process
Yes, I understand that the developer of this panel is almost a couple
of people and they have the same personal life, so I do not insist on
their predlazheniya.
And apart all thank you for what you do. It is worthy of respect and pahval!