Posts by o-leary

    Hello ;

    With the MyDNS plugin, which is still under development, you'll be able to do identical thing. This plugin will provide such API.


    Sorry I just came back and edited my post as you answered!

    That is fantastic, I look forward to this!! I had a quick look for information about it, but could not find any (maybe I searched the wrong place). Will this synchronize between master/slave?

    Sorry to further derail the thread:

    I agree the idea of being able to specify which functions are in the ban/allow list is a good one. Perhaps on your server you want to disallow a function which is not included in the GUI currently.

    Further DNS development would also be great. Automated master/slave configuration where you can manage from one servers control panel and be done with it, along with an API for managing these records. I currently pay another company for DNS hosting as I can simply post some variables to set A records etc. Would be amazing to have this out of the box on i-mscp.

    I am moving my failure detection/DNS redirect system to CodeIgniter so I can make it available to all. Having an API means anyone using i-mscp can use it with their servers to set priority/backup hosting, and get alerts when things go down, for free. Maybe down the line someone could make a plugin out of it. And if you do make an API for DNS.... for gods sake also make API for common i-mscp tasks like customers/ftp/mail etc, you have no idea what we could do with that!

    A solution in command line is a good start :)
    Do you plan to share your script (gitub or else...) ?

    Hey I know this thread is ancient now, but it is likely you are still wanting this, as am I, and I never responded >.>

    I created a thread with an easy to modify backup/restore script, it uses Amazon's S3 service, but you can replace that with whatever, change the frequency categorisations, add more options etc etc

    The thread also links to the command line tools which aseques developed. You can use those to automate account creation/modification/deletion.

    In the thread you can see what else I'm working on, and hopefully soon I'll have a more robust tool set with everything combined and support for multiple other services. I don't think there's much work to tie it together, but time is commodity I don't seem to have.

    Backup/Restore & Mirror/Migration, Work in progress.


    Just to follow up on where I got to and what I'm working on.

    I created a small simple backup/restore script for Amazon's S3 service, which can easily be changed to some other tool/location. S3 is a paid service, so it won't work for everyone. I use it because it allows for easy access control and each server only gets read access to other server backups, making it hard to screw up.

    It allows for:
    - backup/restore
    - categorised by frequency (currently set to daily|weekly|monthly)
    - all domains or specific domain
    - default s3 bucket, and override (restore from different server's backup)

    This will tie in with the command line tools you've created soon, as I've mentioned in previous posts. I will be running your tool across multiple servers, then using s3cmd for backup/restore/migraton/mirroring. For now this is only a handy way of storing those nightly backup files and restoring them or copying them to another server.

    I've created a thread around the tasks I'm trying to complete as they are off topic for your thread. Of course your tool got me started :)…igration-Work-in-progress


    Just following up on where I got to with my backup/restore tasks related to the command line tools posted at by aseques, as others were interested.

    I don't host mail currently, so I have not made anything for that, however my "solution" works with the i-mscp backup files, so perhaps mail will be included with those in future? who knows!

    The goals I have are as follows (you don't have to use all of them):

    - create/remove/modify accounts on multiple servers at the same time (aseques's tool + multiple servers at once)
    - keep an optional number of backups at varying frequencies (this script)
    - import/export customer data from one server to another regularly and manually (this script - 99% done)
    - have each server run failure detection checks for websites and communicate via encrypted output (works but using ExpressionEngine..)
    - if more than *threshold* servers detect the 1st server in priority list is working and site is currently not pointing there, redirect via DNS, otherwise run same check on next server. Each server does this independently. (works but using EE again, and uses external DNS service)

    This script:
    Uses s3cmd to backup/restore the daily backup files at chosen intervals (cron) to Amazons S3 (you can apt-get this tool) with IAM credentials for each server. Each server has write access to a bucket, and read access to all other server buckets. In my script you can choose backup|restore, daily|weekly|monthly, domain.tld|all, optional bucketname (default stored in script). It stores the files in s3://bucketname/domain.tld/frequency, and cleans up old files. You can easily change the frequencies and rename those options. Please feel free to give feedback on this, and to replace s3cmd with your chosen tool/backup location. Keep in mind I'm a noob at bash scripts.

    This works great for backup/restore/mirror! The downside to this is I still have to manually trigger the actual restore from those files via the admin panel on each backup/mirror server. Perhaps I can set some database flag for each domain and run some existing script to take care of the restores for me???

    I will provide the tools to perform the command line stuff across multiple servers when they are ready.

    I am probably just going to use a CodeIgniter interface to replace my EE one, which I already use for a working DNS based failure detection system to redirect websites to mirror servers. Using this same system I can communicate tasks for each server to perform, and potentially ones for only certain servers. I realise how similar this process is to future multi-server development...

    there are 2 domains.
    under client usage.

    I know this is an old thread, but in case it was still a problem or another user was stuck...

    You need to make sure https is enabled for the customer accounts themselves rather than just the admin panel, then install the separate SSL certs in each customers domain via the admin panel. This enables SSL via SNI. SNI will not work on IE of any version running on XP. For other OS versions it is not a problem, and other major browsers on XP work fine. If you need XP + IE support you would either need separate IP addresses or a single SAN/MDC certificate which covers both domains (and www. is considered another domain for these) installed for your default 00_master.conf apache config in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ and you can install the same cert in the admin control panel for the domains for other OS+Browsers. You need to be sure you have a backup if you edit the 00_master.conf file as if you break it you may stop everything including the admin panel from working.

    Hi Guys,

    ICEcoder is awesome if you're looking for something to work on the same environment as a live server on the fly :) You can then use a script to migrate your files and databases. I prefer to run a backup and then sync the backup files and run a restore, this only takes a couple of minutes to run when I make my changes live.

    You get the same environment as a live server, a hosted IDE, no need to download and sync all your files via netbeans etc on all your machines everytime, quick and easy setup.


    Link this script in your crontab @reboot. The mkdir commands will fail during subsequent runs, it does not matter.
    It adds write permissions for your ICEcoder user.
    You need to create a new customer called ice.YOURDOMAIN.TLD and update this script.
    You need to change the setfacl line to use the correct user for your ice customer.
    You need to copy the ICEcoder software into your htdocs directory (duh).

    # Loop customer folders and mount
    cd /var/www/virtual
    mkdir ice.YOURDOMAIN.TLD/htdocs/Projects

    for dir in *; do
    if [ -d $dir ] ; then
    if [ $dir = "ice.YOURDOMAIN.TLD" ] ; then
    echo "Skip mounting ice"
    echo "Mount $dir in ice.YOURDOMAIN.TLD/htdocs/Projects"
    mkdir /var/www/virtual/ice.YOURDOMAIN.TLD/htdocs/Projects/$dir
    sudo mount -o bind /var/www/virtual/$dir /var/www/virtual/ice.YOURDOMAIN.TLD/htdocs/Projects/$dir
    chattr -i /var/www/virtual/*
    setfacl -R -m u:vu2XXX:rwx /var/www/virtual/*

    Thanks. I'm quite certain I'll get it going, I'm just having trouble where a clients website is listed as the primary domain on the certificate rather than my own, so if you browse https on an unsecured domain then instead of just showing a regular error chrome will actually tell you the certificate is for a client. Something for people to watch out for if they use SSL this way. I've asked the CA to change that if they can.

    Hi everyone, about to lay down some serious moolah and need to know how to do it. I did search, but it is hard to get answers when SSL, SNI, MDC etc are under minimum search term length.

    Using current stable on ubuntu 12.04

    I am looking to secure a number of domains on one IP with an MDC SSL certificate. Now I could add these files to each domain and leave it at that, but I assume on XP users of IE would get error messages due to not supporting SNI.

    If I just add the MDC to my base host configuration (like you can during install) then the individual domains won't have the directives to listen on port 443 etc.

    What I want to know is if I add the MDC as my hosting environments SSL certificate, then add the same certificate to each domains config (via gui), will this work on XP IE and also other systems via SNI, or will I just get conflict related errors??? Is there an easy way to update the hosting panels SSL cert after install?

    Thank you for your time!!!
    I am going to chance it for a couple of domains as I found information about an apache directive which should in theory make this work. :D

    I will post back for any future searcher who wants to try this so you know how I got on, but for reference the directive which should allow non-SNI browsers to use the default certificate is "SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck off". I don't know yet if that is already how imscp comes set up.

    Look I know I'm just another user of this software, but it seems like natural progression. I'm working on a solution based on a few tools others have made for commandline, but its not going to be awesome. Something properly integrated is going to be a heck of a lot better, and I'm sure it'll hit the radar eventually.

    It's pretty much the only thing I desperately need for my hosting. Its also a small sort of liability helper having failover hosting (automated export/import), some monitoring, and the ability to fix things quickly with a backup or just blitz it all and rebuild/mirror in an hour with a simple script.... mmmmmmmmm....