Posts by bristohn

    Hello guys,
    still me. One more question.

    in case the plans belong to admin, resellers can only create and delete customers ( and switch, view stats and see details of customers). they can not edit customers details or domains props. so for exemple if the customer ask for more disk space ( 10GB Plan 1 to 20GB - Plan 2 ), then the reseller has no way to do it himself and should refer to the admistrator.
    i would like to know if it an issue at least on my server or if it's the right way this feature is designed to work.


    I agree. better to use 'all' instead of empty value. Please set it in whmcs as shown below

    1. function imscp_UsageUpdate($params) {
    2. $accData = array(
    3. 'action' => 'collectusagedata',
    4. 'reseller_username' => $params['serverusername'],
    5. 'reseller_password' => $params['serverpassword'],
    6. 'domain' => 'all',
    7. );


    Hello Sascha.
    Really happy to see you add my patch in the plugin :D, really happy.
    I've seen you made a little change, checking if the domain is filled.

    case 'collectusagedata':
    if (empty($postData['domain'])) {
    'level' => 'Error',
    'message' => 'No domain in post data available!'
    collectUsageData($resellerId, $postData['domain']);

    in fact, i made that value optional. so then, if empty, statistics for all domains of a reseller could be load at once. if filled, stats will be return only for that domain. i've done it in this way to avoid too much calls of the remotebridge.
    On another side, requesting stats for all domains may generate a large amount of data. maybe it's the reason of the restriction you added.

    Please let'me know your opinion. if we are going to keep that restriction, i will then make some changes in the whmcs module too.


    Hi team,

    Thx for the great job you're doing. we really appreciate.
    I would like to share with you
    - an improvement i've done in remotebridge plugin, support for usage statistics (disk, bandwith, ...). Please see remotebridge.action.usage.patch file in attachment
    - i've rewrite whmcs module to work with remotebridge plugin. Please see imscp.php in attachment


    Hello everyone

    I would like to share with you the way i made this plugin working on 1.1.0-rc3. Please note that i'm not the author of the plugin, so maybe the solution i'm giving here is not the good one. Please, at your own risk :(

    1. fix plugin wrong status issue. these links will help you…got-a-wrong-status?page=2…46396c40d39755542abfbda80

    2. since 1.1.0-rc3, status dnschange is removed and status add replaced by toadd.…i-MSCP-1-1-0-RC3-released

    so then,
    * replace ITEM_DNSCHANGE_STATUS with ITEM_TOCHANGE_STATUS in file /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailman/frontend/mailman.php lines 118 and 245
    * replace ITEM_ADD_STATUS with ITEM_TOADD_STATUS in file /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailman/frontend/mailman.php line 134

    3. in file /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/Mailman/Mailmain.php on line 49
    * replace public function install() with public function install(iMSCP_Plugin_Manager $pluginManager)

    Everything should then work fine.