Posts by Nuxwin

    Dear users,

    A new implementation of the external mail servers feature for i-MSCP has been integrated to the master branch. Feel free to test it and to report any bug you can found onto our bug tracker.

    This new implementation fixes all issues reported in #447 (including a critical bug described in #503)).

    The technical information for the new implementation are the following:

    Options for entries related to external mail servers of a domain (therefore also domain alias) :

    I. Without any external mail server entry (Implemented)

    • We add the default DNS MX entry for the domain and all its subdomains
    • We add an entry for the domain and all its subdomains in the Postfix virtual_mailbox_domains map

    This is the default behavior of i-MSCP.

    II. For an external mail server responsible to manage mail of domain (excluding its subdomains) (Not Implemented Yet)

    • We remove the default DNS MX entry for the domain
    • We remove the domain entry from the Postfix virtual_mailbox_domains map
    • We add a domain entry in the Postfix relay_domains map

    Note: We keep the subdomain entries in the Postfix virtual_mailbox_domains map since the default i-MSCP mail host will continue to handle mail for them.

    III. For an external mail server responsible to manage mail of domain (including its subdomains) (Implemented)

    • We remove the DNS MX entry for the domain
    • We remove the DNS MX entries for the subdomains
    • We remove the domain entry from the Postfix virtual_mailbox_domains map
    • We remove the subdomain entries from the Postfix virtual_mailbox_domains map
    • We add a domain entry to the Postfix relay_domains map (will also match subdomains)

    This is the option called Domain in the external mail servers interface.

    IV. For an external mail server responsible to manage mail of inexistent subdomains (not defined in the domain DNS zone file) (Implemented)

    • We add a DNS wildcard MX entry such as '*.domain.tld. IN MX 10' (will be the MX answer for all inexistent subdomains only)
    • We add a specific entry (such as '.domain.tld OK') in the Postfix relay_domains map (only if this option is not mixed with III)

    This is the option called Wildcard in the external mail servers interface.

    Note: We keep the default entries for the domain and subdomains as provided by i-MSCP in the Postfix virtual_mailbox_domains map (default configuration) since an MX wildcard is only there to define a mail host responsible to handle mail for inexistent subdomains (subdomains not defined in the zone file). Of course, this assumption is made on the fact that only the wildcard option is used. The situation can diverge if we are mixing options.


    Note: In a near future, we will also implement the per subdomain external mail server option.


    About update:

    All DNS MX records related to external mail servers are automatically converted during update. If you have defined any CNAME records via the old external mail servers interface, you will have to re-add them by using the custom DNS interface since for technical reasons, they are simply removed during update. Also the external_mail_dns_ids field of both the domain and domain_aliasses tables will be synchronized automatically on next change via the external mail servers interface and so, you should not be worried about any orphaned id caused by CNAME records deletion.



    I would like particularly thank Arthur Mayer (flames) that helped me a lot about technical aspects for implementation along this last week.


    Bonjour ;

    Je vous conseille de poser la question dans la section anglaise de notre forum, plus particulièrement à TheCry.

    TheCry: The user above wants to know how to install the password changer plugin for roundcube. For now, he has a database connection problem. THX


    The install/update logic can be implemented into the addon installer. Each addon can provide its own logic. When new update come for a dedicated addon, you can use an update.sql file. I'll find a software and create an addon for imscp with it just to show you that all is possible. I'll create afterlogic addon for imscp.

    Sure, see the attached image, the problem with this error is that it doens't seem to come directly the Database.php code, I don't create any table called config, so there's probably something wrong there ...

    I'll have a look at this but anyway, I 'm against doing it in such way. The schema databases for components (addons) should not be created via the iMSCP_Update_Database class. I would recommend to use a dump file (such as for imscp) and create the database from the addon installer. About roundcube, I think it was a bad idea to reuse the iMSCP database and I'll look over ASAP to fix that.

    No information about error(s) ? I bet you have not enabled debug mode and not looked at /var/imscp/log files... Uninstaller is here. Also migration from ispCP to iMSCP is here too. You think bad and do not look correctly :D


    Hello ;

    Don't confuse all. ;)

    1. MSCP is a fork of the ispCP project founded by former ispCP developers. i-MSCP is available since a ~ years and is still improved and maintained. i-MSCP is used by several compagnies and users. We are now simply in a slow development period (some of our developers are really busy by their work).

    2. No competition. i-MSCP can be seen as a standalone project formed by developers that wanted take other directions in development.

    3. No security issue for your personal data. We are not in fight with any of ispCP developer and you have not risks to use one of that both project.


    Since I've been invited by Torsten (gOOvER) to rejoin the team, I'll so implement the boxbilling plugin by using the iMSCP events dispatcher and plugin action interface. This plugin will be available as soon possible.
