Thank you for your reply, Zakaria.
I did not change anything yet for fixing it beforehand, if you presumed I did, please let me know what steps I have to do first.
I tried to follow your instructions.
So I log into my server with Putty and type:
- openssl verify -CAfile chain1.pem cert1.pem
Result comes out:
- Error loading file chain1.pem
What did I do wrong?
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You need to find your SSL bundle including a chain file for CA and a private key and a certificate, sometimes they are provided in one combined file, but in your server you will find the bundle in /etc/letsencrypt/archive/[yourdomainame] directory if you used certbot, otherwise find who is your SSL provider and where they store the SSL bundle files and use them in verifying the certificate with openssl.
The error message is saying it couldn't find chain1 file, which should be in stated above directory if you used certbot.
- Error loading file chain1.pem
Also, make sure to use
- dos2unix combined_chain1.pem
To clear the chain file from dos formatted (^M) blue carriage return characters that I observed in the first cross signed root cert when combined the chain.
If you dont have unix2dos installed, since it no longer comes prebuilt in distros, use
Good luck.