Good luck with a dead project.
I moved to KeyHelp, free and up to date, with incredibly good and nice support.
Good luck with a dead project.
I moved to KeyHelp, free and up to date, with incredibly good and nice support.
Goto KeyHelp, it's free and updated.
i-MSCP is dead!
Get over it and move to better.
Display MoreFür mich ausschlaggebend war, dass eine frische Installation nicht mehr sauber auf dem damals aktuellem Buster möglich war.
ein Mini-Update um das zu behebem hätte schon gereicht
Ich habe mit KeyHelp eine Lösung gefunden, die meine Bedürfnisse erfüllt.
Ich haste selber, gerade weil ich nicht von Dritten abhängig sein will, ganz sicher nicht von Dritten, die meine Server betreuen.
Reseller ist für mich keine Option, mindestens vServer mit vollem root, besser bare metal und selber virtualisieren.
Ich habe in den Jahren mehrfach vorgeschlagen einen Fork anzugehen.
Me too. It's a great piece of software with exceptional good support.
i-MSCP is dead, outdated and basically a piece of crap these days.
Sorry, the developper asked money, I paid (as did many) and he took it and ran....nothing delivered.
It's dead dudes, accept it.
I moved to KeyHelp, it's great, features that are not in i-MSCP, it's free.
Don't stick with this outdated and crappy panel, there is so much better.
Why bother?
It's outdated, missing many options and support is none exsistant.
I have run this panel for years, even paid to keep it alive, just to find out that the developper is giving us the finger.
Moved over to KeyHelp, it's by far a better panel, free of charge and has more features.
Also the support in their forum is excellent.
i-MSCP is dead and has been for years.
I'm waiting too and also made a gift to support the project.
Debian 9 is getting a bit old now.
He asked people to donate, as such I did.
Yet no information on anything, not even if enough people donated.
I'm running the github version and it works fine.
No problems.