Yes its works. How i give access our server? ssh?
Posts by GuzmanCoello
How can test if the domains are resolvable locally?
We have to update to Debian 8, but this machine is in producction so we have to choise the moment. But, in any case, We hace a debian 7 with a IMSCP 1.3.16, Letsencrypt 3.2.1 (this version is from one year ago) and doesn´t work..
Cant update now system. This pluging version is from one year before only.
Debian 7.1
IMSCP 1.3.16
Letsencrypt 3.2.1
Plugin is correct installed but when i create a ssl in a domain this is the result :
The /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path is not reachable for the domain. This can be either due to a DNS problem, or because you have an .htaccess file that rewrites the URL path to an unexpected location. In case of a rewrite rule, be sure to exclude the /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path by adding a rewrite condition such as RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/acme-challenge/
I have test if the rule .well-known/acme-challenge/ in apache works and it works.
Help please.