Posts by alusan

    Well, that what I would do but if you're not experienced, best is to do as follows, keeping your current i-MSCP version:

    • Drop the imscp_roundcube database: drop database imscp_roundcube
    • Delete the RoundcubePlugins plugin data from the i-MSCP plugin database: use imscp; delete from plugin where plugin_name = 'RoundcubePlugins';
    • Remove the RoundcubePlugins plugin file: rm -r /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/RoundcubePlugins
    • Trigger an i-MSCP reconfiguration (that will re-install Roundcube): perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -dnv
    • Install the RoundcubePlugins plugin (last version from our plugin store)

    I followed the steps you mentioned, and everything was perfect ..!

    No errors, and everything returns to normal.

    Thank you very much for your help and for the excellent work you do with this magnificent panel.

    Greetings alusan


    i-MSCP Git 1.5.2
    Debian 9.2

    For several errors when I ran perl imscp-reconfigure -danv in the reconfiguration of Roundcube I ended up uninstalling RoundcubePlugins by hand. Surely I have not done well, I have done the following:

    rm -r /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/RoundcubePlugins
    I have removed the RoundcubePlugins table from imscp, plugin.

    Maybe the problem is that with this I have not completely uninstalled the plugin by hand.

    Then I executed perl imscp-autoinstall -das, but because of the errors I got I had to eliminate:
    rm -r /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/webmail

    And then I've been able to complete: perl imscp-autoinstall -das

    Now when trying to reinstall RoundcubePlugins from the panel I have an error that tells me Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'instance'.

    Please, I need help to get back to working with this excellent package of plugins that the great team of i-MSCP has prepared with such good judgment.

    Thank you very much for your help in advance ..!

    Hello everyone,

    now that it is very comfortable to install mod_security from the debian stretch repositories, I ask as an absolute novice with i-mscp 1.5.1 if it can be installed without causing any problems ?.

    So far mod_security has always been with me, with the number of joomla and wordpress sites I host, I consider it very necessary to maintain the type.

    Thank you in advance for your wise advice,


    Hola a todos:

    En primer lugar felicitar y agradecer al equipo que hace posible este Gran Panel de Control.

    Uso la version 1.5.1
    en Debian Strech

    En dos instalaciones me ha ocurrido que al modificar la página por defecto del servidor /var/www/html/index.html deja de mostrar este index.html y muestra la página de uno de los servidores virtuales, pero con errores e incompleta.

    Los sitios virtuales se muestran bien, pero si e pide http://xx.xx.xx.xx se muestra lo que comento antes, parte de un sitio virtual con errores. Cuando deberia de mostrar el contenido de /var/www/html/index.html

    Los errores que se generan en el log del servidor virtual afectado, ( el que muestra parte de su contenido) son de este tipo:

    [core:crit] [pid 19294:tid 2955885376] (13)Permission denied: [client] AH00529:

    Hago un test de la config de apache, y da bien:

    apache2ctl configtest
    Syntax OK

    Por favor, me podrías dar un poco de luz para corregir esto.?

    Muchas gracias de antemano.