welche version nutzt du?
Posts by gOOvER
Ein 500er sollte in den logs auftauchen
bei zwei Domains und DB's; wiesi installierst Du da nicht i-MSCP, lädst die Seiten wieder hoch und importierst die DB's? Wieso der Umweg über ispCP?
ZendGuardLoader make a lot of troubles. Do you have the latest Version?
I am sorry for al the fuss. It seems that my colleague did not look at the the wlan. It was here that we found the error.So no error with i-mscp.
TheCry: Is it not better to re-run i-MSCP Setup with -dr option and choose the Modul???? So i-MSCP will be correct configured
Updated today to latest Master without problems... but thias was only an update, not a fullinstall
Please use the latest RC4.2.
!!!!! is NOT Php5.4 compatible !!!!!
Please use everytime the LASTEST RC and this is not RC2
Latest RC is RC4.2
Sorry für das jetzt...
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