Posts by ulrich54

    Hi, is it possible to move the storage location for mails to an external volume.

    Example: /var/mail/virtual/{domains} e.g. to /mnt/Ext_Volume/{Domains}

    So I don't have to upgrade my server because of the 28 GB mails.

    I use postfix with dovecote

    Thanks ulrich

    HELP :-( what am I doing wrong? I setup two domains under imscp include ftp and email. I have also installed Letsencrypt. Everything runs under https and works so far. All certificates are created.


    Domain 1 > > is also used for imscp Control Panel (

    Domain 2 > > email

    Problem! If I try to set up the email address on my Mac via IMAP, I always get the message "wrong certificate" and I just get the certificate from (imscp).

    Where is my error?

    Thank you

    Hello, is there a possibility to change a customer domain name afterwards, or do I have to create a new domain and transfer the content.

    E.g. I test under the domain after completion and optimization I would like to change to the actual domain name e.g.

    Thanks for your help

    Very comfortable -:) I did not realize that after I enabled php settings disabled function under USER, I could enable/disable the individual PHP settings functions under Domains php settings. Sorry for my blindness Thanks.

    Thank you, I hope I didi it right ;-)

    Under i-MSCP User php edit, i changed disabled function to only EXEC

    At the terminal under: /opt/phpswitcher/20180821/php7.1/etc/php-fpm.d

    I open 'mydomain.conf' and edit the line: php_admin_value[disable_functions] = exec,passthru,phpinfo,popen,proc_open,show_source,shell,shell_exec,symlink,system (removed proc_open). Save and restart 'service psw7.1-fpm restart'

    Now everything works fine :)

    Hi, it is necessary that I activate proc_open which is one of the disabled functions under php.

    I work with php switcher and php 7.1.11. How can I activate this under i-mscp, only for one domain

    Thank you Ulrich