Yes right. // edit: Ich seh gerade du bist Deutscher
Posts by Lukas Yoa
yes of course, i enabled ssl for panel and for services, but outgoing mails weren't encrypted.
Hi Guys,
i noticed that outgoing mails are not encrypted You can test it here:
And here's my fix:
/etc/postfix/ - ADD
smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2, !SSLv3
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:/var/lib/postfix/smtp_scache
smtp_tls_loglevel = 0------------------------------
This works great for me!
Nuxwin - Maybe for next release?
sorry, I thought that monstaFTP was a program like filezilla ..
No problem, it's a option for the Web-FTP Service since 1.3.0
Yes, look at my last answer -> "I tested it with FileZilla and MonstaFTP."
Thanks a lot, it works! -Probably, it changed with the FileZilla Update.
The screens shows the same folder via MonstaFTP.
README.txt(Monsta FTP) -> "$showDotFiles 1 to show files starting with a dot (system files), 0 to hide"
config.php(Monsta FTP) -> "$showDotFiles = 1;"Something's wrong..
Hello, its via FTP. I tested it with FileZilla and MonstaFTP.
Screens are with sftp root and user ftp account..
.htaccess file was created by user!
I also have vsftpd.
Hi everyone,
Users can create & update the .htaccess file, but they can't see them.
Please help.version: 1.3.0
Lukas -
Hello everyone,
i need help.
My Question is "how can i change my FTP-Services? (Proftpd to vsftpd)".
Proftpd is sometimes very slow, so i have decided to change the FTP-Service, in the hope that it will be faster.Thanks for Helping.
Lukas -