Posts by firestorm46

    Please, upgrade to 1.3.x using that archive:

    Does not help either

    1. [ERROR] Servers::httpd::apache_php_fpm::start: Could not start the php5-fpm service: iMSCP::Provider::Service::Sysvinit::_exec: start: Unknown job: php5-fpm at /home/romanov/Downloads/imscp-1.3.x/engine/PerlLib/iMSCP/ line 158.
    2. autoinstaller::Functions::install: An error occurred while performing installation steps

    I did a print in, of what file installer trying to reach (it is only change that installer has now in my unpacked imscp distro)

    1. sub _searchJobFile{my ($self, $service, $jobFileType) = @_;my $jobFile = "$service." . ($jobFileType || 'conf');for my $path(@{$paths{$self}}) {my $filepath = File::Spec->join($path, $jobFile);my $filename = '/home/user/log_install.txt';open(my $fh, '>', $filename);print $fh $filepath;print $fh "\n";close $fh;return $filepath if -f $filepath;}die(sprintf('Could not find the upstart %s job file', $jobFile));}

    So it dumped in debug file

    1. /etc/init/php5-fpm..

    Any ideas, why installer does this ?

    I need to purge php5 and apache cause I messed up the system.

    So I did this

    1. sudo apt-get remove --purge php5-*

    Deleting all php5 package


    1. sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2

    Deleting apache server

    I also did

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    After this I did usual imscp install

    1. sudo perl imscp-autoinstall

    And got error after downloading and installing php5 and apache

    What is wrong with installation and how to fix it ? I got that this is something with 'service' starting files.

    I read this thread, Regarding the php.ini files management with i-MSCP

    Do I really can have custom php.ini files for each domain?

    What do I need:

    1) I need to set php.ini parameters different for each domain
    2) Configuration files in /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/*.conf can be edited in text-editor but as long as you save php settings from admin panel here (screenshot), /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/*.conf file is re-saved and all edits you have done manually are gone.

    https://localhost:4333/client/phpini.php - url of this interface

    So could I really add custom php.ini params, besides those that can be edited through admin panel, as shown above ?