Kannst Du bitte die VSFTPD Konfigurationen Deiner beiden Installationen vergleichen?
Diese befindet sich hier: /etc/imscp/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
Standardmäßig lauscht vsftpd auf Port 21 - versuche Dich einmal hiermit zu verbinden!
Beste Grüße
Posts by FloRet88
Hallo Desa!
Hierzu fehlen ein paar wichtige Informationen, welchen FTP Service hast Du bei der I-MSCP Installation gewählt, wie sieht die Konfiguration aus?
Versuchst Du dich via IP oder FQDN zu verbinden?
Beachte bitte hierbei unsere Reporting rules - Reminder
Gibt es außerdem eventuelle Fehler-Logs?
Beste Grüße
Hello kess ,
And on mobile, open the menu button and go to options! Here you can find also this option!
Best regards
Hello softronics
Please use the new Link: https://i-mscp.net/wcf/index.php?paid-subscription-list/
Best regards
cgr is your problem solved or is further investigation required?
Best regards -
Me either, the problem Looks solved!
Sry for disturbing again and stealing your Time - But you see , i wasn‘t the only one!
Hello Nuxwin
Sry - it is still not solved.
Also on mobile and Firefox (incl. privacy mode) still the directory index.php is missing!
At this moment following structure:
Correct structure from older Forum-Version would be
For clear understanding - have a deeper look into the linking of this post: i-MSCP 2.0.x - FrontEnd full rewrite in progress
Best regards -
not really - now the index.php (bold marked) is missing in the url - and the redirects are still going to the main page.
You´re welcome!
Hallo Nuxwin
The old linkings in the threads are incorrect atm.
Old URL Structure as example: https://i-mscp.net/index.php/Thread/19051-i-MSCP-Time-Schedule-for-next-three-months/Now it is: https://i-mscp.net/index.php?thread/19051-i-mscp-time-schedule-for-next-three-months/
Any chance to resolve this?
Best regards.