Posts by FloRet88
Hallo Speddy.
Den Fehler / Bug kann ich bestätigen.@Nuxwin muss hier ran. - Vielleicht hat er noch während seines Urlaubes hierfür Zeit, oder danach!
Danke für Deinen Report.
Beste grüße
Problem solved by himself. See following Thread:…4-paid-support-available/
Best regards - Thread closed
so your problem is solved?
Best regards
You‘re welcome!!
I don‘t think so that you missunderstood the plugin!
As i said before, i don‘t use the plugin - I will try it tomorrow for you!
Do you understand German? If yes, feel free to check out this thread also:…Bdefault%2Bpage#post50061
Best regards
Hello Sven,
I don‘t use the plugin, but I found following thread that may help you:…togenerated-default-page/
There are also some other threads in our forum for your question.
Best regards.
Yes you can!First step: Full Backup of your Server!
Second step: carefully reading of Errata-Files for 1.3, 1.4, 1.5!
1.4 =….4.x/docs/
1.5 =….5.x/docs/
If you use Plugins from this site, keep in mind, that you have to read also there descriptions!
In my opinion it’s the best to Update to latest stable 1.3 Version and then directly to 1.5 =…1-3-16-to-1-5-1-Debian-8/
Best regards
Please try to use the customer login data.
Geht mittlerweile nach mehrmaligem Download
Sehr merkwürdig! - Ich behalte dieses Thema in Auge und werde dies nach Nuxwin‘s Urlaub mit ihm absprechen. Vllt. gab es ja ein kurzweiliges Problem mit Github, welcher einige Dateien des Downloads zerstört hat.
Freut uns dennoch, dass das Problem jedoch erledigt ist.
Beste Grüße!
Hello raptor666,
Can you please post some log files?
Which plugins you have installed?
PHP implementation?Can you please try to activate the Debug-Mode an have a look if you get there some notifications, if no please give us the output of perl /var/www/imscp/imscp-rqst-mngr -v