Posts by skeptic

    I have tried to follow these instructions, but it does not work.

    I have edited config.php and added:

    "Update jails" does not add anything.
    I have tried to uninstall everything and install it again, but it doesn't work either.

    Finally, to test, I manually copied the git files to jail (/var/chroot/InstantSSH/shared_jail) and it worked, but i wouldn't want to do it this way.

    Why does the "Update Jails" button ignore the configuration file?

    It would be awesome to have a configurable MySQL resource limits into the hosting plans.

    It can be now managed using phpmyadmin, editing user priviledges, i.e. Max queries per hour or Max user connections, but if client create a new user this values are unlimited.

    Controlling MySQL resources is good way to avoid server abuse.

    I have a mail server with a custom postfix + cyrus panel based on the old webcyradm.

    I have one thousand users and many TB of emails stored in cyrus format on /var/spool/cyrus/mail folder, so install Dovecot and other Postfix conf files will break my installation.

    I would like to install imscp to manage Apache server, but without interfering my actual mail and DNS configuration. DNS is easy because it is supported by the imscp installation, buy mail support it is not.

    Can I install and use imscp in some way that avoid installing Dovecot or change Postfix conf files?

    If I install imscp and after I remove Dovecot package and modify /etc/imscp/postfix/ path pointing alll files to fake directory, It works, but I'm afraid about updates of imscp.

    I can block the Dovecot installation pinning origin of Dovecot to empty path in /etc/apt/preferences, buy I don't know if imscp updates could fail.

    Any advise?

    File /etc/imscp/apache2/vlogger.conf does not exist on my system.

    The file with vlogger password is:

    I have accessed using the password on this file with phpmyadmin, so the user and password are correct at least for the localhost user.

    I have reseted the password for MySQL user with host (just to test), because error say "host=" and when accessing with phpmyadmin the host is "localhost", so the localhost user could be correct and the user bad.

    This MySQL user configuration confuse me, I don't know why to use a localhost and user, but now, I will wait to see if error disappears.

    EDIT: Now it is working nice, so it was fixed setting up the password of user vlogger_user@ with the password on file /etc/imscp/apache/working/vlogger.conf

    I have hundred of errors like this one in /var/log/apache2/error.log:

    [alert] i-MSCP Vlogger: Unable to dump tracker: DBI connect('database=imscp;host=;port=3306','vlogger_user',...) failed: Access denied for user 'vlogger_user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) at /usr/local/sbin/vlogger line 493.

    I have loged in with phpmyadmin using credentials on file:

    This user can access to imscp database to write on table httpd_vlogger (user can't delete records on this table), the table is empty.

    My system:
    i-MSCP 1.2.16
    Build: 20160310
    Debian GNU/Linux 8.3 (jessie)

    I don't know if this is a problem of this system or a bug, I have another server with same Linux version and i-MSCP 1.2.15 and it is working nice and table httpd_vlogger contains some records.

    Some advise?

    I have installed imscp 1.2.14 in a new clean and updated Debian jessie 8.3 64bits.
    After adding a reseller account, I tried to add a new user, but in last step I got this message:

    An unexpected error occurred. Please contact your administrator.

    After pressing "back" an alert show me this:
    "Data were altered. Please try again."

    Also, I have received an email with this message:

    An exception has been thrown in file
    /var/www/imscp/gui/library/Functions/Shared.php at line 2719:


    SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'external_mail_dns_ids'
    doesn't have a default value

    Query was:

    INSERT INTO domain ( domain_name,
    domain_admin_id, domain_created, domain_expires, domain_mailacc_limit,
    domain_ftpacc_limit, domain_traffic_limit,
    domain_sqld_limit, domain_sqlu_limit, domain_status,
    domain_alias_limit, domain_subd_limit, domain_ip_id,
    domain_disk_limit, domain_disk_usage, domain_php,
    domain_cgi, allowbackup, domain_dns, domain_software_allowed,
    phpini_perm_system, phpini_perm_allow_url_fopen,
    phpini_perm_display_errors, phpini_perm_disable_functions,
    phpini_perm_mail_function, domain_external_mail,
    web_folder_protection, mail_quota ) VALUES (
    ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
    ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )


    Debug backtrace:

    File: /var/www/imscp/gui/public/reseller/user_add3.php at line 206
    Function: exec_query()
    File: /var/www/imscp/gui/public/reseller/user_add3.php at line 284
    Function: addCustomer()

    When I installed imscp I got an error importing 5072E1F5 key from (to install mysql 5.6), so I have added it using this command:
    gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 5072E1F5

    I don't know if there is any problen using MySQL 5.6, but now, I don't know how to reinstall imscp using version 5.5 to test if this error is related to mysql version.

    Any clue?