Comodo # PositiveSSL
Posts by BigBen
Hallo und guten morgen wie erstellt man eine Zertifikat (CRT)?
Ich habe zwar versucht zu installieren, habe auch den Privaten Key und Zertifikat eingegeben, aber wenn ich auf die Seite gehe kommt das
Es besteht ein Problem mit dem Sicherheitszertifikat der Website.Zertifikat (CRT), CA Zertifikat, Root Zertifikat und Intermediate1 wo müssen die rein ?
Bei Imscp Gibt es ja Privater Schlüssel, Zertifikat und Intermediate"-Zertifikat(e)
Kann mir jemand diesbezüglich bitte Helfen.
Danke und Gruss
Ihr seit die besten es geht jetzt vielen dank an alle
# i-MSCP Listener::Php::ConfOptions::Override listener file
# Copyright (C) 2016 Laurent Declercq <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA#
## Allows to add or override PHP configuration options globally or per domain.
## Be aware that only Fcgid and PHP-FPM Apache2 httpd server implementations are supported.
## Note: When you want operate on a per domain basis, don't forget to set the PHP configuration level to 'per_site'.
## You can do this by running: perl imscp-autoinstall -dar httpd
#package Listener::Php::ConfOptions::Override;
use strict;
use warnings;
use iMSCP::EventManager;#
## Configuration parameters
## Add or overrides the PHP configuration options globally or per domain.
# - The per domain PHP configuration options take precedence over global PHP configuration options.
# - The PHP configuration options take precedence over those which are defined through the i-MSCP PHP editor.
# Placeholders that can be used in PHP option values:
# {HOME_DIR} Will be replaced by client homedir path
# {PEAR_DIR} Will be replaced by PHP Pear directory path
# {TMPDIR} Will be replaced by PHP temporary directory
# Note that domain names must be in ASCII format.
my %configOptions = (
# '*' => { # Any PHP configuration option added here will apply globally (to all domains).
# '<option_name1>' => '<option_value1>',
# '<option_name2>' => '<option_value2>'
# },
'' => { # Any PHP configuration added here will apply to domain1.tld only
'default_charset' => 'ISO-8859-15'
## Please, don't edit anything below this line
#iMSCP::EventManager->getInstance()->register('beforeHttpdBuildConfFile', sub {
my ($tplContent, $tplName, $data) = @_;if($tplName eq 'php.ini' && $main::imscpConfig{'HTTPD_SERVER'} eq 'apache_fcgid') {
# Apply global PHP configuration options overriding if any
if(exists $configOptions{'*'}) {
while(my($option, $value) = each(%{$configOptions{'*'}})) {
$$tplContent .= "$option = $value\n" unless $$tplContent =~ s/^$option\s+=.*/$option = $value/gim;
}# Apply per domain PHP configuration options overriding if any
if(exists $configOptions{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}}) {
while(my($option, $value) = each(%{$configOptions{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}}})) {
$$tplContent .= "$option = $value\n" unless $$tplContent =~ s/^$option\s+=.*/$option = $value/gim;
}return 0;
}return 0 unless $tplName eq 'pool.conf' && $main::imscpConfig{'HTTPD_SERVER'} eq 'apache_php_fpm';
# Apply global PHP configuration options overriding if any
if(exists $configOptions{'*'}) {
while(my($option, $value) = each(%{$configOptions{'*'}})) {
next if $$tplContent =~ s/^(php_(?:admin_)?(?:value|flag)\[$option\]).*/$1 = $value/gim;if(grep($_ eq lc($value), ( 'on', 'off', '1', '0', 'true', 'false', 'yes', 'no' ))) {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_flag[$option] = $value\n";
} else {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_value[$option] = $value\n";
}return 0 unless exists $configOptions{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}};
# Apply per domain PHP configuration options overriding if any
while(my($option, $value) = each(%{$configOptions{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}}})) {
next if $$tplContent =~ s/^(php_(?:admin_)?(?:value|flag)\[$option\]).*/$1 = $value/gim;if(grep($_ eq lc($value), ( 'on', 'off', '1', '0', 'true', 'false', 'yes', 'no' ))) {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_flag[$option] = $value\n";
} else {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_value[$option] = $value\n";
}my %configOptions = (
'' => {
'open_basedir' => ''
__END__ -
I have done so as you said that but the problem is still there
I have done so
# Apply global PHP configuration options overriding if any
if(exists $configOptions{'*'}) {
while(my($option, $value) = each(%{$configOptions{'*'}})) {
next if $$tplContent =~ s/^(php_(?:admin_)?(?:value|flag)\[$option\]).*/$1 = $value/gim;if(grep($_ eq lc($value), ( 'on', 'off', '1', '0', 'true', 'false', 'yes', 'no' ))) {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_flag[$option] = $value\n";
} else {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_value[$option] = $value\n";
}return 0 unless exists $configOptions{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}};
# Apply per domain PHP configuration options overriding if any
while(my($option, $value) = each(%{$configOptions{$data->{'DOMAIN_NAME'}}})) {
next if $$tplContent =~ s/^(php_(?:admin_)?(?:value|flag)\[$option\]).*/$1 = $value/gim;if(grep($_ eq lc($value), ( 'on', 'off', '1', '0', 'true', 'false', 'yes', 'no' ))) {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_flag[$option] = $value\n";
} else {
$$tplContent .= "php_admin_value[$option] = $value\n";
}my %configOptions = (
'' => {
'open_basedir' => ''} );0;
__END__is that right?
of my website I'm trying to install
Server Requirements
curl : Ok. Enabled.
mbstring : Ok. Enabled.
safe mode : OK
open_basedirError. open_basedir has value. Please clear value for open_basedir from php.ini
allow_url_fopen : Ok. Enabled -
Hallo an alle,
kann mir Bitte jemand sagen was das hier bedeuten soll? open_basedir Error. open_basedir has value. Please clear value for open_basedir from php.ini
Bei mir ist das hier eingetragen lauf php info
/var/www/virtual/ dank an alle