Posts by Dark-Sider


    what is the recommended way in i-MSCP to deactivate TLS 1.0 and 1.1. I don't want to break any of the auto-config stuff. Deactivating it for all webs would be acceptable.




    Since I upgraded my Hardware I also migrated from ispcp to i-mscp (1.2.8). Everything worked very smoothly. To enhance the security I already installed signed SSL-Certificates for ftp, smtp, pop, imp and the admin-panel - works great!

    I also want some customer's webs protected by ssl. I enabled SSL in the admin area at the very bottom (as it has been described so many times in this forum). But after that I'm stuck. When I change to my Reseller-Account and edit the domains that I want to have protected by domains nowhere is an SSL or CERT-textarea to be found. I click around a lot but did not find any option to paste my certificate into the interface.

    What am I missing?

    running on Ubuntu 14.04 lts - with all recent updates/patches.
